The Academics department is coordinated by the director of studies assisted by the following dedicated officers:
1) Mr. Robert Kerosi - Deputy director in charge of career guidance
2) Mr. Geoffrey Moseti - Deputy director in charge of ministry of education correspondence & NEMIS
3) Mr. Douglas Matage - Deputy director in charge of examination and timetabling
4) Mr. Geoffrey Oyweri - Deputy director in charge of classroom management
5) Mr. Samwel Omori - Deputy director in charge of examinations and timetabling
With these young and energetic officers, the academic department is dedicated in maintaining the highest standards of education. The department has a pivotal role of ensuring that all academic programs of the school run smoothly on daily basis. It is charged with the responsibility of coming up with ambitious programs geared towards academic excellence. Our programs provide students with opportunities for their full development of their talents and academic potential in order to make them fit to the outside world.
Our school offers 21 subjects with room for more given resources and manpower. The subjects are grouped into departments under the heads of departments (HODs).Nyambaria School has always registered an impressive performance in Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education and our graduates span various sectors of the global economy. The 2022 KCSE results is a clear testimony of this meritorious performance.. Nyambaria school registered 488 students for 2022 KCSE examinations. The overall mean score was 10.8975 which is an improvement of +1.5889, in comparison to 2021 KCSE mean score of 9.3086.
This performance put Nyambaria School at the top, both regionally and nationally. The top student, Oseko Lewis, managed a grade A (Plain) of 84 points out of the possible 84 points. He was the top student in Nyamira County. Success is a marathon not a sprint, never give up. The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job, determination and application to the task at hand. Our School operation MSS 2023 is 11.000.
Mr. Evans Omato